Welcome to

Here are some stock info I'm sharing with you...

Quick-Links to the various sections of this webpge:
Telechart / TCnet info
NJ Financial Software User Group
TCnet Hotto Club info
Candlestick Forum info
Candlestick "primers" on various patterns
Hit and Run Candlesticks info and recordings
Dr. Alex Elder - Trading Room info
Elliott Wave educational material
BetterTrades trading class videos

However -- feel free to browse up and down !!
there is a lot here to learn from.

Links to educational material about Elliott Wave Theory

Yes, we have added a number of sales links to the webpage lately;
since the response to the voluntary donation link has been light, to say the least
(compared to the hundreds of users of this site), "affiliate links" seem to be a reasonable alternative --
you don't pay any more for items or services when you click through from here,
but we get a small commission which helps offset the costs
of maintaining the site and the information it provides to you.

Response Time in reference to Internet traffic is how long it takes for a chunk of data to travel from point A to point B and back (round trip). A typical response time on the Internet is 200 ms, which is 200 milliseconds (thousandths of a second) = 1/5th of one second.      The Internet Traffic Report monitors the flow of data around the world. It then displays a value between zero and 100. Higher values indicate faster and more reliable connections.     
NOTE: Time shown is Mountain Standard Time (USA) * for GMT, add 7 hours.

Last updated:  2021.08.10 @ 22:50 et

Click on image for more information.
If you need the free PDF Reader,

download from here

to those of you who have expressed your thanks, I appreciate that -- in return,
I would like you to find some similar favor you can do for someone else!!

btw, if you have not yet seen the movie "Pay It Forward" I urge you to see it -
then you will understand my concept. If we all help each other, it's "win win" for everyone.

Technical Stock Analysis GROUP of NEW JERSEY

September meeting is via Zoom.
For log-in info, send email to njug@jimcooper.org

Next meeting:

Meetings are always the second Thursday of the month.

Computerized Investing group features presentations
and instructions on learning, selecting and using
various charting and technical analysis software.
The object, of course, being profitable investment.

We're no longer focusing on just Telechart...
if you are using (or interested in) Tradestation, eSignal,
VectorVest, etc. -- or just in learning how to select and use
charting and technical analysis, come join us !!

The Investment Software User Group of NJ is a
Special Interest Group (SIG) of ACGNJ

We very much appreciate their hosting our meetings each month.

If you would like to be notified via email when updates are made here, just fill in the form below --

Subscribe to our mailing list

* indicates required
I have finally completed a project that has been on the "back burner" for a while.
We now have a chart set showing about 17 weeks of charts for each of the
DJ-30 component stocks. This is an "official record" of what EWA predicted
each of those weeks -- so it should give us a good idea of how accurate the
"follow thru" is for the EWA predictions.

So far, I've not gone through the charts to see the results myself.
I'm posting it here since the question came up in a TCnet discussion,
which prompted me to finish the project.

The file can be downloaded from here.

Open Outcry • On the Floor of an Exchange

[ about a six minute sound clip that you may find fascinating - about 4 MB ]

I strongly suggest you download the file - by using 'right click' + 'save target as...' -
and play it from your hard drive rather than from the web.

Every business day, the men and women of the New York Mercantile Exchange stand around in huge circles, shouting at each other, setting the price of the world's commodities. Sound artist Ben Rubin created a layered soundscape of this unusual ritual, known as "open outcry" trading. This piece is part of a work commissioned by Creative Time, a public arts organization, to commemorate the reopening of the Winter Garden of the World Financial Center.

Credit for this goes to "The Next Big Thing" radio program on NPR,
broadcast the week of April 25, 2003.

TCnet info

Graphic files for TCnet "old smiley" faces (.zip format)

      Concepts for using PCFs (acrobat pdf format)

  Managing trendlines in TeleChart (acrobat pdf format)

Using "Fixed Percent" Scales in Telechart (PDF)

Manage risk and trade size: simple trade-ticket form (PDF)

Sector Analysis setup by TraderDoc (tcnet)
(acrobat pdf format)

Paul1307's "Finding and using Good Growth Charts"
(.zip file with PDF and AVI files)

Security/virus concerns with
USB memory sticks/drives
[PDF article set]

A V A I L A B L E      N O W !

W2JC's "DirCon Panel"
--- ---

Shows at a glance --
Moving Average fanouts / crossovers;
Balance of 'up / down volume' for each bar;
For 'tick' and 'volume' bars,
how close the current bar is to being finished;
Real-time value of ATR (Avg. True Range)

        Watch the lower right corner of the image -------->
notice especially the blue/orange/yellow dots
and the white dot above the last column!

Click image for a larger view... and basic description.
Click here to receive announcement of release
Click here for detailed description
Click here to watch an hour of real-time action!.

The above indicator system is not related to or associated with either
the FirstWave system, the Candlestick Forum or Hit&Run Candlesticks,
but could be useful to users of them -- as well as all other traders!
Charts and Chat logo[TM]


A very unique way of presenting candlesticks [.avi]

Camtasia Player - A simple, standalone video player for .avi files

It is a ZIP file; unzip it into a temporary directory;
then install from there. Simple, easy player made for our files.


for Candlestick books, charts
& educational material.

Learn to Trade the Stock Market - Quick and Easy
with Candlestick Signals. Free "How To" articles, Training aides,
Videos and e-books produced by Stephen W. Bigalow, Author of
"High Profit Candlestick Patterns" and
"Profitable Candlestick Trading"

NEW e-BOOK on "Trading Rules"
is now available... immediate download!
[ Click here for details ]

is now available...
[ Click here for details ]

Stop Loss Strategies & Techniques
How to Cut your Losses Short and Let your Profits Run!

[ Click here for details ]

...Steve's first HANDBOOK of
Profitable Candlestick Trading (updated)
is still available.
[ Click here for details ]

Other Candlestick Training Packages

Video Learning Packages

Five Topic Package for $15 (Limited time offer)
                                                                [download CD]

  • Scanning Techniques
  • Price Targets
  • Entry & Exit Points
  • Stop Loss Strategies
  • Trading Rules

Special TRADING GAPS Learning Package

Super-SPECIAL on
Commodity Trading Package

12 Major Candlestick Patterns

You won't believe our super SPECIAL price on this!

Mouse Pad

TradeStation users:


[scanner and chart indicator]
now available. [ PDF Description ]

Visit our new BLOG for Pinball Trading ideas.

Email to receive software and info package:

Find PINBALLS with the scanner...

See PINBALLS on the charts..

If you tried before and had a problem with PayPal, try again!
or email me at     pinball (at) jimcooper.org

Click logo for freebies, products & services
all their resources and educational material AND webinars.



Candlestick1 (Steve Bigalow) has given some "primers" on using various candlestick patterns as part of his Forums. I have extracted these primer segments into small files so they can remain here on the site longer.

[ these files play directly from the website - they don't download ]

Primer on J-Hook pattern. (4 mins.)

J-Hook indicates a new breakout
following a pullback during a strong up-trend.

To order CD training video specifically on J-Hook [click]

pages 220-230

Primer on Frypan Bottom pattern. (2 mins.)

Frypan Bottom pattern sets up after a long downtrend,
when the chart forms a long, flat consolidation
and then breaks to upside.

To order CD training video specifically on Frypan [click]

pages 231-237

Primer on Cradle pattern. ( < 2 mins.)

Cradle pattern sets up after a large down candle,
followed by flat consolidation with small candles
and then shows a large upside candle.

To order CD training video specifically on Cradles [click]

pages 252-255

INSTANT Gratification:
if you prefer to download the CDs on-line
and save the shipping expense, order here.

Package of 12 videos - all Major Signals ($581 value)
  [ more info ]

  •            Extra SPECIAL Limited Time Super-Bargain ...
               all 12 for $12 -- wow!!           [download CD]

    Five Topic Package for $15 (Limited time offer)
                                                                     [download CD]
    • Scanning Techniques
    • Price Targets
    • Entry & Exit Points
    • Stop Loss Strategies
    • Trading Rules

"Come Into My Trading Room"


Come into Dr. Alex Elder's Trading Room

You are invited to a private Internet class –
Come into his trading room where he analyzes current markets –
indexes, stocks and futures.

Watch him go through his decision-making process, ask questions,
bring up your favorite stocks or watch the stock picks of
other group members.

Become a better trader by learning from a professional trader

Click here for excerpts from a previous session

Click here for detailed info about the sessions

Click here to register for the next sessions

(all sessions are at 18:00 Eastern / 22:00 GMT)

Dr. Elder has for years offered the Traders' Camp
for traders who have read and learned from his books
and wanted more details and practice using
the "Trading Room" techniques --

Click here for more info


Above also available for
eSignal and TradeStation
and Ninja Trader andMetaStock
and Telechart v.12 and MetaTrader 5
and ProRealTime



Charts and Chat trademark logo[TM]

These are 'real time' archives of both the sound and the charts --
they should play directly in your Windows Media Player
or RealPlayer (which I find works best)...
please RIGHT CLICK and "Save Target As..."
and save to your hard drive.

WallStreetTeachers.com is not a registered Investment Advisor, or a Broker/Dealer, and does not provide investment advice or recommendations.
Subscribers to the Hotcomm.com site, the Yahoo site, and the TCNET "firstwave" club are advised that the information, opinions, and analysis included there are based in good faith on sources believed to be reliable, but no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to accuracy, completeness, or correctness. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance of stocks posted in the "firstwave" club or `Hotcomm.com' site, or Yahoo site.
Neither these postings nor the "Firstwave" chat, "Wallstreetteachers" `Hotcomm.com' site, or yahoo emails, nor any other information provided on our web sites, or through any other communication constitutes a recommendation to buy or sell stocks, or any other investment. Investing involves the risk of loss and readers are urged to consult with their own independent financial advisors with respect to any investment.

By request, here is the link that FirstWave
often refers to for real-time metals and commodity
quotes 24/7 -- http://www.kitco.com

 I M P O R T A N T   *   R E A D   T H I S

If you have trouble playing the video file the first time (such as sound but no picture),
just fetch and install the Camtasia video player.
[ver 2.1.1 is supposed to work with Vista]
It's quick, free and it works.

For MAC users, we've been told that "a video converter
to use for Mac is Daniusoft Video Converter - you download
the file, drag it to the Converter and bam! you are able to
view the FW chats!" (thanks to "PrayingMantis" on ToS)

right-click mouse on the link and select "Save Target As"
to save the file to your hard drive instead of having to stay connected
on the web to listen or browse the charts.

FW Indicators for ToS

With great sadness, we report that
David Elliott passed away on May 15, 2012.

FW Indicators used on ThinkOrSwim charts.

Files in this section are posted at the request of David Elliott (FirstWave) and WallStreetTeachers.com;
the code is proprietary, ©2012 WallStreetTeachers.com, and is shared here for personal/private use only.
Any questions concerning ownership, use or application of these codes can be directed to techstudies2000@yahoo.com


Text File          PDF File          ZIP File

[ RIGHT-click on link, then Save As ]


Text File          PDF File          ZIP File

[ RIGHT-click on link, then Save As ]


Text File          PDF File          ZIP File

[ RIGHT-click on link, then Save As ]


Text File          PDF File          ZIP File

[ RIGHT-click on link, then Save As ]


Text File          PDF File          ZIP File

[ RIGHT-click on link, then Save As ]


FirstWave has given some "primers" on using various indicators such as the mobo bands
and his new interpretation of using ADX to spot trends and blahs.
I have extracted these primer segments into small files so they can remain here on the site longer.

[ these files play directly from the website - they don't download ]

latest addition   What the heck is a STAMP pattern? (060809)

latest addition   Primer on the Roses & chocolates phenomenon (060809)

Primer on Using SNAPBACK© patterns
Updated 060809 (includes 060616)
Note: the new section should automatically load and play the older section at the end.

With the understanding that all price movements in all trending markets behave in a wave pattern, we have set out to identify the beginning and end of these waves, until the price trend reverses or ends.

The SnapBack© template identifies temporary price dips versus price top rollovers, or fake-out market rallies.

We have seen trading improve from 60% probability to over 90% using SnapBack© and other WallStreetTeachers' techniques.

(The term "Snapback" is ?2006 by WallStreetTeachers.com)

Primer on Using SOAP and SNAPBACK patterns.

SOAP (Served On A Platter)
The SOAP pattern identifies the high probability of price tops and bottoms on any time period. It is useful in eliminating false buy and sell signals. This concept takes a short-term and medium-term Stochastic, strips off the SD from each of the SKs, and then re-combines the two SK stochastics to give us pure stochastic crossovers.

 FirstWave Slide Presentation on SOAP • October 28, 2003 evening (1 MB)
You will need Windows Powerpoint Viewer to open the file - click here to download it.
(this is the free Microsoft viewer - good for Windows 98 and later)

   Learn to COUNT WAVES -- can you count from one to three??

Primer on Using T21nn and $xxx type charts.

Primer on Using "Internals" type charts.

Primer on TICKS and using Tick charts.

Primer on using Advance/Decline charts, Index charts, more on ADX, etc.
Click here

Primer on ADX indicator

NOTE: Tradestation users may be interested in my TOTALY NEW
and SUPER EASY TO USE combination of the ADX and ±DMI indicators
described HERE

New ADX (Advance Decline Crossover)
ADX can be employed to evaluate the strength of a trend, be it up or down. In conjunction with David Elliott's Technical Timing Patterns™ such as SOAP and SnapBacks, ADX can reveal the strength of buy and sell signals that indicate the timing of explosive market moves.

For a TOTALLY different presentation of ADX,

Unique use of DMI indicators
A short tutorial on using the +DMI & –DMI in ways that
most people would not think of !! [15 min. video]

Primer on MOBO bands (March 17, 2009) [197 MB .mp4]
Secondary primer on MOBO bands.

MOBO (Momentum Breakouts)
Price momentum breakouts give us buy and sell signals.
We get buy and sell signals from price Momentum Breakouts by modifying a standard deviation study to show us when "A" stocks breakout to the upside and when "F" stocks breakout to the down side.
We can also adapt the MOBO settings to other technical indicators for entry and exit signals on any time period.
[see a chart with nice MOBO pattern]

 FirstWave Slide Presentation on MOBO • October 14, 2003 evening (1.5 MB)
You will need Windows Powerpoint Viewer to open the file - click here to download it.
(this is the free Microsoft viewer - good for Windows 98 and later)

We have no primer on MAPP patterns.

MAP (Moving Average Price Patterns)
Predictable price behaviors occur around the four major moving averages.
On May 26th, 1896 Charles Dow introduced the industrial average, the Dow Jones 30. Since then there has been a repeatable and predictable price behavior pattern around the four major moving averages and this index. We do away with moving average crossovers, and switch to using a behavioral price pattern to find entry and exit prices, while investing in stock, futures, and indexes on all time periods.
[see a chart with nice "Ice Hole Failure" pattern]

We have no primer on FLAT wave patterns.

Elliott Flat Waves
The indicator that gives you tomorrow's Wall Street Journal today!
This technical indicator has been modified to short term TSV (time segmented volume) time periods to give us waves with flat tops and bottoms, indicating a price reversal on the next time period we are using. We can use this indicator intra-day or for long term directional turns.

These are 'real time' archives of both the sound and the charts synchronized -- it should play directly in your Windows Media Player...
please RIGHT CLICK and "Save Target As..." to save to your hard drive.

January 15, 2009 - review of many FW indicators and charts

First Wave's Chat log • Apr. 19th, 2006
Right click for [download]  9 mb

SPECIAL session on options and their effect on 'pinning' stock prices.

  Just the AJ section on options (7mb) • Aug. 4th, 2005
   AJ Monte -- on Options • July 14th, 2005  (11.5 MB .avi)
  AJ Monte -- Options: Calendar Spreads, pt. 2 • July 6th, 2005  (7.5 MB .avi)
   First Wave's Chat • June 28th, 2005  (8 MB .avi)
[how open option interest can show target stock price]
   First Wave's Chat • June 13th, 2005  (11 MB .avi)
Special Guest = Walter BRESSERT
speaking on Cycle Analysis
   First Wave's Chat • June 7th, 2005  (14.5 MB .avi)
[note: yes, this appears to stop suddenly at the end -- the sound from the server dropped.]
      First Wave's Chat • May 18th, 2005 evening
Featuring A.J.Monte, discussing Calendar Spread Options Trading
(14 MB .avi)
      First Wave's Chat • Feb 28th, 2005 evening
Featuring A.J.Monte, discussing Intro to Options Trading
(28 MB .avi)
    Special GUEST today = Candlestick1
  First Wave's Chat • Feb 1st, 2005 evening

NOTE: Candlestick1 has a chart and teaching session (voice & charts)
every Thursday that is open to "the public" (not just subscribers to their website);
on Monday's he does special sessions just for their subscribers.

You can join the open Thursday forums by visiting here.

Candlestick1's "breakout patterns" • Dec 21st, 2004 evening

 Candlestick1's "doji" log of screen shots • Dec 1st, 2004 evening
(4.5 MB zip)
Audio of Candlestick's presentation above (10 MB mp3)

Learn More About Elliott Waves

Please note:     I have NO connection with any of the sites or companies below.
 Here's an excellent tutorial on the Elliott Wave principles.
Hotto Club info

Hotto Charts&Chat Archives

Hotto "Bottoming Patterns" presentation by Tina • July 02, 2005 saturday (2 MB pdf)
[This is a PDF document with text and charts plus explanatory notes.]
 Hotto Charts&Chat presentation log • December 20, 2003 saturday (6.5 MB zip)
You will need WinZip 8.1 to open the zip file - click here to download it.

 PDF with graphics and text of Hotto/ILoveMusic presentation 030524.

right-click mouse on the link and select "Save Target As"
to save the file to your hard drive instead of having to stay connected
on the web to listen or browse the charts.

If you have trouble playing the videos,
download the following:

Camtasia Player - A simple, standalone video player for Windows.

It is a ZIP file; unzip it into a temporary directory;
then install from there. Simple, easy player made for our files.

Other interesting stuff

right click mouse on the link and select "Save Target to Disk" to download file to your drive for better playback

Our National "Leadership" in time of disaster

 covert plans behind 9-11
Comedy satire on current politics
 a short but cogent interview with Gore Vidal

Trading classes from BetterTrades.com
[right click and save file to your hard drive]

Bollinger Bands
Using Stops
Trend Trading
Short Term Strategies
Trading the QQQQs
Trading Stability
Bracket Trading
Pattern Recognition
X-Factor Utility for Options

[for upcoming classes, see http://www.bettertrades.com/trading-classes/classlist3.aspx

This site is and will always be under construction, since there is always room for improvement.